For this we will use tools: Ahrefs . You will be able to analyze the pages with the most “nofollow” and “dofollow” links, which usually coincide with the most popular posts on the Blog. Open Site Explorer . With this SEO tool we can see the most popular posts on the Internet, although the free version will only show us results. Tip : Manage time well It is essential that we learn to manage the time we dedicate to the Networks and to do so we will have to use tools like these: Hootsuite : The most used management tool in the world that we can use from any device; computer, smartphone or tablet.
A classic for any Community Manager. Buffer : A tool with which we can Belarus WhatsApp Number postpone the publication of our posts to the moment of best impact, and that we can use on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google+. With these tools, the Community Manager does not have the obligation to be in front of your Social profiles every day publishing content. The ideal is to schedule a part and leave another part for recently published posts that you want to spread very quickly. Tips : Check the grammar Grammar is something that is largely forgotten on Social Networks, but in my opinion it is very important since it is putting the company's image at stake.

With spelling mistakes, which is totally unprecedented because a journalist should not make grammatical errors. I finish this last piece of advice with an anecdote that happened to me a couple of years ago with a client. The company dedicated to training wanted to use a logo with the words in capital letters but without accents, to which I flatly refused and argued in the following way to its manager: “If my business is dedicated to training, I consider that it is incoherent and It makes no sense to use a brand with a misspelling, to which the manager responded that he had convinced him, and that the company logo would be made with an accent. The aesthetic question cannot be above grammar Social Media Tips for Businesses infographic I hope that these Social Networks for Business tips are very useful for your online projects.