House played
I read a lot and have in general a good memory. That's why I remember the plot and sometimes the specific words or images from books and movies. Rosa Montero wrote an article for El País in which she said among other things that reading is living more times and she is right. One experiences experiences and feelings that like a vaccine give us knowledge; partial muffled but very useful as a first approach to real life. We could say that reading is a laboratory where one investigates oneself without overexposing oneself. These days I have been thinking about “Casa taken” Cortázar 's story because our home has gone through several reconstructive phases: for two weeks a good part of the living-dining room - which is not very large - became a Mesozoic reserve . with some advances of later mammals so that we had to avoid dimetrodonsStegosaurs pteranodons t-rex diplodocus varionix and the occasional dolphin to name just a few of the species involved to balance on the couch; Later that same swampy terrain became an ocean and the dinosaurs were replaced by clownfish jellyfish CXB Directory octopuses whales sharks...; Now we have a castle made with egg cups boxes of various origins and cardboard tubes joined with hot glue thanks to the hot melt gun. Without counting all the pictorial or sculptural expressions that populate walls shelves and windows and that reproduce inside the house the nature that we have not been able to visit these weeks of confinement. We have the house taken. Irene and her brother in Cortázar's fiction react to the pressure of the occupied house of their taken home; They close the door and escape we will never know what Or maybe not that's the thing.
I realize that before confinement our house was more a space visited than lived and I suppose that it is a common experience for all of us who live in cities or towns on the outskirts of large cities and who have to commute daily to the workplace. In my case an hour and a quarter on average in the morning no rain no accidents and an hour and a half in the afternoon no unforeseen events. This has meant that extra-work and extra-school activities are geographically linked to the big city so we go home mainly to have dinner and sleep. We would love to live closer to home but our finances don't allow it.