The business process of the platform
APIs for the business (such as inventory synchronization, order pulling, track return, etc.), and used these APIs to Documents and security specifications are publicly displayed, thus forming the OpenAPI open platform currently on the market, such as the JD JOS open platform. Core business processes of the OpenAPI platform The OpenAPI open platform is also a typical platform centered around the supply and consumption of APIs: Supplier: Design and develop API→Write supporting usagedocumentation→Publish API to the platform→API operation and Malaysia Phone Number Data maintenance Q&A Consumer side: Find APIs with specific functions→Apply for API usage rights→Use API→Problem consultation→API operation monitoring Platform side: Review API release → Review API usage qualification → Troubleshoot API operation problems → Iteratively optimize API You can directly experience the Taobao open platform and have an intuitive understanding of the open platform. Types of OpenAPI platforms Different industries and types of enterprises have different
demands for the OpenAPI platform, which are mainly divided into the following categories: Scope of application of this article This article is written for large enterprises to build business channel OpenAPI platforms. Most of the methods are also applicable to the construction of other types of OpenAPI platforms. When large enterprises build OpenAPI platforms, in addition to building basic product capabilities such as standard technology docking models and standard APIs, they also need to face a series of product and operational challenges caused by customization work, such as the technology specified by KA customers.