The connotation doesn't always have to be absolutely correct
You can find out whether there is already trademark protection for a term on the website of the German Patent and Trademark Office . A Google search can also be very helpful because it prevents an international brand from being associated with your brand name. 7. Fantasy name with connotation: A good duo! I think the absolute best solution for a company name is as follows: You take a part of the word and fill it with the keyword or a meaning that has to do with what the company does. The second half of the name is the fantasy. This is currently the most common practice: Stylight, Chocri, Serplorer, Udemy, PicMonkey or Seocracy are such neologisms.The important thing here is the connotation that resonates: Does it get to the core India Car Owner Phone Number List of what you do? For example, AirPeter is a name that I would associate with drones or flying, but less so with air mattresses. On the other hand, Luftishop is a domain name that could give me the idea that it is an air mattress shop. My tip: Tell strangers your desired name and let them guess what it means. But if the majority of your potential customers can guess what the name might have to do with, then you have a big advantage. In addition to the ones mentioned, I think Knusperreich, MachDudas, Easybill and Auctionata are great.
Try to find out what's behind the names! 8. Be careful with connotations and changing business areas! I know from my own experience: a connotation is not always optimal. At Seocracy, we are now much more than just an SEO agency. From the outside, however, it looks as if this is still our only business area. So if you are planning to expand your range, you should check whether the name also fits new areas. 9. Buy domains Most domains that are even halfway good are already taken today. Many have been registered by professional domain dealers. However, most domains are sold over the counter for just a few hundred euros.