Sánchez Galán, Borja Prado and Salvador Gabarro have stood up to Rajoy: th...
Moncloa, and not Soria or Montoro, to approve the energy reform The electricity companies have already tired of the war between José Manuel Soria (Industry) and Cristóbal Montoro (Treasury) that is delaying the approval of the energy reform. They have managed to get Moncloa to directly assume the problem of the tariff deficit as soon as they return from the summer. As El Confidencial Digital has learned from sources in the sector, the country's large electricity companies, represented by Iberdrola, Endesa and Gas Natural, have managed to 'sneak' the energy reform into Moncloa. The top managers of these companies, Ignacio Sánchez Galán , Borja Prado and Salvador Gabarro , are already fed up with the continuous delays in the approval of this reform, which is now indispensable in Spain , and which is being continually postponed due to the fight between the ministries of Industry and Finance.
Tug of war between Soria and Montoro While those close to the Minister of Industry, José Manuel Soria , accuse the Treasury of delaying the measure. In the department headed by Cristóbal Montoro, they allege difficulties in implementing the reform with European regulations . But at the top of the country's main electricity companiesMiddle East Mobile Number List they do not hide their discomfort with the Government . And this is what they have made known to senior Moncloa officials . They assure that the longer it takes to address the electricity rate deficit , the greater the problem will be and the consequences for the sector will become increasingly serious. They were promised the reform before the summer The sources consulted by ECD reveal that the Executive promised the companies to resolve this problem before the summer.
Although it was initially announced that the measure would be ready at the end of June , and it was delayed, in the sector it was taken for granted that finally, as the Government itself conveyed to them, the reform would be approved in the last Council of Ministers before the holidays , that of last August 3. But it was not like that, which has led the presidents of the electricity companies to mobilize, in the middle of August, until they got their claims to reach Moncloa directly , 'skipping' the ministries involved, the Industry and the Treasury .The application of this form of payment is completely legal , as several tax law experts explain to ECD . In this way, the taxpayer will be prevented from assuming the increase , since the tax rate will have been the one in force at the time such advance payments were actually made.