From successful business experiences we have learned how the sensorization pr
A bet on dataThe strategy of regulating electronic administration with a start Italy Telegram Number Datadate, which is never met and is always postponed, has proven insufficient. Today, the digital strategy of the european union platforms, digital spain plan 2025, or the different artificial intelligence strategies involve a holistic vision of these processes that must include infrastructures, people, training and an inescapable horizontal layer of governance. Finally, all public policies will be supported by this digitization effort. And in all these processes there is a common and essential element: the data. Thus, for example, it is enough to review the ten structural reform lever policies for sustainable and inclusive growth of the recovery.
Transformation and resilience plan to confirm this claim. It is not possible to achieve practically any of them without handling information of all kinds, population, environmental, health, nutritional, purchasing power, lifestyle and consumption habits, that related to mobility ... If you want to list all the categories and data sets available, surely we could fill the edition of a newspaper for several days. But it's not just about exploiting pre-existing data. For example, the monitoring provided by a smart city will provide new categories of data. And not only this, data analytics tools, machine learning, will offer new ways of looking at such data and their relationships. And, therefore, 360º visions that will revolutionize our way of understanding, approaching and governing reality.e definition of conditions that eliminate or significantly mitigate them.