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2. Edit the Robots.txt File To do this you don't even need to go to work on the server or via FTP, which sometimes happens that it doesn't even exist and you have to create it yourself, perhaps by mistaking its position...I assume you already have Yoast SEO installed, right? Here, go to theTools > File editor sectionand from there you can edit it comfortably.How to Edit your robots.txt with Yoast SEO.However, if you don't know what the robots.txt file is for and how to set WhatsApp Number List it up,read this guidebefore continuing.However, if you don't have Yoast installed and prefer another plugin for SEO, just installthis plugin , created specifically just to edit the robots.txt file.As you can see,want Google to consider the "mattcutts" folder.I am happy to welcome you to the guide that will allow you to understand how tocreate a blog for FREE (completely) . Opening a completely free blog is not difficult, if you know how. Today I will show you 5 services that allow you to open a free blog without difficulty, plus a slightly more complicated 6th method, suitable for those who want to get their hands dirty.
So sit back and relax, because we'll get started right away!Contents index hideThe Problem of Starting a Free Blog How to Create a Blog 100% Free (Easily) 1# WordPress.com 2# Weebly.com 3# Blogger.com 4# Tumblr.com 5# MyBlog 6# An Alternative Solution: Free Hosting and Domain Other Things You Need to Know The Problem of Starting a Free Blog ATTENTION : I will gladly teach you how to start a blog for free, but if you want to start earning thanks to it, then you are forced to spend a small initial budget. Free blogBecause after all we are talking about a business : blogging .Only blog for free if it's a hobby and you don't intend to make money.