The stock market is a good
In all areas of activity, there are certifications and quality labels which can serve as elements of reassurance on your sales pages or during sales meetings. By explaining that you are labeled thing or certified thing, you are activating the cognitive authority bias.Organize CoMarketing operations Just as powerful as the principle of authority is the borrowing of authority. In your field of activity, there are necessarily recognized experts, partners with an interesting audience or even influencers whom you can call upon to organize joint marketing operations.This way, you can benefit from their authority. Unintentionally, this is what happens regularly with Albania WhatsApp Number my Sur Le Terrain Podcast in which I interact with experts in their field. So when I speak in the below episode of Storytelling with a recognized expert in the discipline, I borrow his authority to gain the trust of listeners . Loss Aversion This is a fact that you can easily verify human beings have a natural tendency to focus on losses rather than emphasizing gains.example if you have a portfolio of stocks, you regularly see that some go up and others go down.
If you are like me, you will only pay attention to the red and never see the green! Well its the same for your prospects! How to exploit loss aversion in your marketing and sales strategy?Teasing to keep your target in suspense A few weeks ago, I released my first book. A few hours ago, I received my first negative review after dozens of star reviews! on Amazon . The author of this negative review complains in particular about the fact that I use Teasing in the book by introducing certain concepts which will be explored in depth later. book ludovic salenne the road to pretend happiness Professional Distortion I use loss aversion to keep the reader.