Read the content, they'll have to click
The indispensable call-to-action in e-mail: this is how you entice the reader to click When you send a marketing email, you want your lead , prospect or customer to do something and show certain desired behavior. Unless your sole purpose is to in your email or on your landing page to do so. With a call-to-action (CTA) you try to entice your reader to click. In this article you can read how you can do this as effectively as possible. For example, where should you place that CTA? And what texts work best? CTA.New EU DSA legislation: important step in the fight for online protection Legislation boring food? Not if it suddenly has a major impact on your (online) life. And that is exactly the case with the Digital Services Act (DSA). This European legislation is intended to better protect citizens photo editor and businesses online. And that is about time, if you consider that the current legislation is 20 years old. Is this the end of fake news, complicated cookie notifications, dark patterns and invisible algorithms.,h_413,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/d90965_9722c64bad834fbf910b861c1d42051f~mv2.jpg
Someone who reads about the Digital Services Act. 5. Irresistible calls to action: be inspired by 5 examples With a sharp call-to-action (CTA) you get your target audience moving and encourage them to take action. But how do you make such a CTA really irresistible? Ayla shares 5 inspiring examples from the police, Omroep Zwart and Nike, among others. Call-to-action examples. 6. Shake up your dozed newsletter readers with these 6 tipsEmail subscribers are easily bored.