A campaign goes repetitively through the cycle of testing and optimization
From those with better results and quality. Separate campaigns must be made for these words where you can better control the allocated budget. #6 Bid on Brand You must bid on the keywords in your domain or brand name. You don't have to let your guard down for the competition. Anyway, searches with your brand or name will generate good scores for your AdWords account and therefore will help you, and anyway because you will have a good score on the ads, the costs are significantly lower than those of the competition. #7 Ignore Landing Page Optimization.General keywords, although they produce many searches, they Special Data only consume the budget and a very low click rate at the beginning. Use the Keyword Planner . #2 Passive accounts There are many Google Adwords users, even the agents who do not actively work on the Adwords account. The Adwords account is dynamic, it must always be consulted and reactions and changes must be made in real time.. Our advice is to make a schedule for checking your account and making changes, which you must strictly follow.bandoned campaigns It happens quite often that users or agencies set up a campaign and then forget about it. Optimizing a campaign is a dynamic and long-term process. It involves analysis and permanent changes.
Campaigns left unsupervised are a sure source of losing money., if you want an endless process considering that there are always new opportunitiesNo Landing Pagege, especially those at the beginning in the field of online promotion. Each Adwords campaign must have a dedicated and optimized landing page. In this way the ROI (Return of Investment) will be maximized. Always try at least 2 landing pages and then compare the results. Online promotion is about repeated attempts until optimal results are obtained. Weak Keywords Every campaign has weaker keywords. Words for which you pay a lot and the results are not great, but sometimes presence matters. Those words must be separated.