How mobile marketing can help your restaurant
It's hard to go out without seeing a ton of people staring at their smartphone screens. Mobile marketing provides customers with personalized, relevant information via their smartphones when and where they need it.According to a survey, 75 of Americans admit to looking at their cell phones in the bathroom . Restaurants are one of the most searched 'products' and 45 of smartphone users use mobile search on a daily basis. Plus, there's another important statistic to consider: Americans spend about 162 minutes, or more than 2 hours a day, on their cell phones.
It's time to think about a mobile marketing strategy for your restaurant.
Mobile marketing delivers personalized, relevant information to customers via their smartphones when and where they need
Even though you may think that SMS or WhatsApp Number Database text messages are on the way out, they are one of the most accessible and successful mobile marketing tactics . They allow you to connect with potential customers using a device that they always have on hand.
Through mobile marketing we generateconversions of users into clients, who then become recommenders, increasing engagement and achieving a real return on investment.*2kiQi5AcPY0KfSZrW9UC5w.png
If you have used SMS campaigns and have not seen results, it is possible that you have not taken into account some of the key factors. I am going to show you the most common reasons why an SMS campaign fails and we do not obtain a positive ROI or return on investment.
SMS, one of the most accessible mobile marketing tacticsQr2coupon
Mobile marketing campaigns have grown by 800 percent in recent years , but those that are not specific do not work . Each message has to connect with the target audience of each restaurant . This will entail more work but will yield better results.
If the offers or promotions that the restaurant transmits by SMS are not attractive enough or the messages lack a call to action, you will not get a large number of conversions . If, for example, the SMS campaign does not direct users to a mobile website of the restaurant, it is almost impossible to convert users into customers. In other words, if we want the campaign to produce a benefit, which is to obtain a customer, we have to make it easy for users to carry out the action, make it easy to book online , make the menu or phone number clearly visible.